Mystery shopper method in marketing research of public catering enterprises

  • Gomilevskaya G.A.

    Galina A. Gomilevskaya. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia

  • Diana V. Yurasova

    Diana V. Yurasova. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia


Currently, enterprises implementing in the field of restaurant service and hospitality operate in conditions of the constant competition. This determines the need to ensure a high level of services rendered and quality of service. On the one hand, the work of line personnel largely determines the level of service in the restaurant business, and on the other hand, it requires constant monitoring of the level of competencies of this category of workers. When evaluating line personnel, a special role belongs to the mystery shopper method, which, being one of the most effective marketing tools, allows to assess in detail the quality of service at a catering enterprises from the point of view of the consumer. The goal: the development of a model for the study of the line personnel by the mystery shopper method on the example of the leading public catering enterprises in the city of Vladivostok. The methods: the methods of analysis of the secondary sources of information, systematization, interpretation, deduction and induction were used, the detection of the causal relationships, de-
scriptive and comparative, statistical methods and the method of the observation. The results: In the course of the study, the theoretical aspects of using the mystery shopper method in the marketing research system were considered, the algorithm of actions for the study was made up, the assessment form of a mystery shopper was developed and the evaluation of line personnel was carried out using the mystery shopper method at the leading catering enterprises in the city of Vladivostok. The scientific novelty: in the article the concept of "mystery shopper method" is clarified, the criteria for evaluation of the work of personnel are proposed and the research model using the mystery shopper method is developed. The practical significance: the rational use of
the mystery shopper method in marketing research of public catering enterprises will significantly improve the quality of service and services rendered at enterprises and form consumer-oriented service standards.
Keywords: mystery shopper method, quality of service, catering enterprises, line personnel, catering market, service standards, marketing research